Load forecast/Resource Plan
Order passed on Load Forecasts Resource Plans and State Electricity Plan for 4th Control Period FY2019-20 to FY2023-24 and 5th Control Period FY2024-25 to FY2028-29 after correction of Ex-bus capacities of certain generators
Orders passed by the Commission in the matter of Load Forecasts Resource Plans and State Electricity Plan for 4th control period FY2019-20 to FY2023-24 and 5th control period FY2024-25 to FY2028-29.
Public Hearing on Load Forecasts Resource Plans and State Electricity Plan for 4th and 5th Control Periods

Revised Load Forecasts and Resource Plans Submitted by APSPDCL.
Business plan of APEPDCL.
Revised State Electricity Plan of AP TRANSCO.
Revised Resource Plan of AP TRANSCO.
Business Plan of APSPDCL
Revised Load Forecasts and Resource Plans Submitted by APEPDCL